
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I love you, I'm proud of you, You are mine

This is a saying that my friend Eric says to his two children.  He often says that this is how the Lord views us and then says it to his children so that they know and believe that they are loved and wanted!
I had the privilege to photograph his two children and beautiful wife a couple of weeks ago.  My friend Meg (here)) and I did this session together.  Kristin (eric's wife) wanted the photos to surprise Eric for their 10th anniversary (so fun)!!  We wanted to capture them as the sweet children they are in their natural selves. I feel like that was accomplished and it was sweet to see them with the special words their mom and dad say to them!
This is a family that I love and adore.  To be able to capture their beauty and personalities that pour out from their beautiful spirits was a blessing!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Christmas Photos?? Whoops

Meet my friends Meg, Brett and Karis.  Meg works with me and has become one of my closest friends throughout my time on YL staff.  She is one of those friends that is a breath of fresh air.  She is one of those incredibly relational people that you feel like you have known for years the minute you sit down with her!  She just recently went off staff to be a full time mom to this gorgeous sweet girl and I have shed my fair share of tears this week mourning over her not being in the office.  But I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do in this time.  She is a YL leader to people all over this county and that won't change just because she isn't getting paid for it.  I know that there will be many adults that get to feel the Love of Christ because of their friendship in the coming years!
So I took these photos... oh say 9 months ago.  WHOOPS.  But I wanted you to see them and meet this amazing family that oozes Jesus from their pores!
This is my favorite!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Meet Savannah

Sooo...... my friend Katie from was getting on to me about my blogging(rightfully so)... and considering its been 8 months WHOOPS I figured I need to get back on it.  I have lots of photos from the past 8 months, but I won't overwhelm you will them all at once, I will show them slowly.  I can't wait to fill you in on all the fun adventures.
But lets start here.
Starting with some of my FAVORITE pictures!

Meet Savy
 Savannah was one of the first high school students I met when I moved to B-town.  She was a sophomore that year and is now a graduate, wow!!!  As I was looking through these photos I was thinking back to when I first met her and amazed at the beautiful young woman she has become.  She is not only a beautiful young woman but has a beautiful heart!  She is an incredibly mature young woman and loves Jesus a lot!  She just got back from serving at a YL camp on Work Crew for a month, WOOHOO!!  I knew she'd love it, but to hear her come back and talk about learning about Jesus was overwhelming and wonderful!  What high school students wants to go to camp during their summer for a month to serve literally 12 hours a day?  She does!  And she comes back changed for eternity, I love that!  I am so glad I have been able to watch her grow these past three years (very sad that she is moving off to college) but so glad that we will be lifelong friends!  I am also so excited to see what the Lord does in her heart as she steps into this new journey of college!

I took some Seniors of Savy in May (whoops) but still want to show them cause I think they are just so sweet and show off her fun, sassy personality!

Meet Savy!

This one is my favvvvvvorite!

Ok actually... this one might be my favorite!

More to pictures to come!!