
Monday, March 11, 2013

I love my job!

We just had our annual Young Life Banquet here in ACo.  I am exhausted and have been crashing ALL weekend! 
But really I do LOVE the Banquet. While there is a lot of work put into it and I never know if it is actually going to happen... The Lord ALWAYS makes.  The night turns into a celebration of what He is doing in the county, the lives He is changing and the transformation He is bringing.  I absolutely LOVE getting to be a part of this!  I really feel blessed to have a job that I love and a job that has a great purpose!  I am 26 years old and I am doing what I love?  How did that happen?
One thing that I was really touched by this year was our leaders.  I know all areas have great leaders but I really believe we have the greatest leaders ever.  We have some adult/Career leaders and some college leaders which is fun to see the two worlds combine.  They literally give up their life in order to step into a high school to share Christ with them.  How many people want to go back into high school?  I know very few people, but they choose to!  It amazes me!  And I am so thankful for them!  One of our amazing leaders made a beautiful video to highlight the relationships between these high school students and their leaders.  You just see the relationships as you watch the video! 
How great is that?
It is an awesome video but also just makes my heart smile at how they have literally taken the verse you must lose your life and are living that out!  Because they want life to the full with Christ so they GIVE their lives away for the sake of Christ! 

I was in "Character" for the funny portion of Banquet when the video was playing on the screen so I had to keep my emotions under wraps (sort of) but I would have been in tears if I wasn't dressed up as Jenny the Stage hand.  I am thankful for these leaders and for hundreds of people across the county that will support this Ministry to happen! 
Here are some pics!
A few from our "Photobooth" at the Banquet

 These are our AWESOME leaders!!

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